Water Quality

The Benefits of Good Water Quality
We all rely on clean water, and we have a role to play in protecting the health of our waterways. St Tammany Parish has been working to protect and improve water quality within our region. St Tammany Parish has created a Watershed Management Program with a mission to protect and enhance water quality in St Tammany Parish through a targeted watershed approach.
Part of the Watershed Management Program is to engage the public in the Parish commitment to protecting water quality. “Water Quality Protection Area” signs are being posted at numerous locations throughout the Parish to heighten public awareness and bring attention to the Parish watershed initiative. Signs are currently posted at pollution source tracking neighborhoods, water quality monitored ‘hot spot’ waterways and water quality demonstration ponds.

Get Involved by learning about your local water, reporting pollution or environmental concerns, volunteering, and contributing to the waterkeeper cause.







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Watersheds can be as small as a footprint or large enough to encompass all the land that drains water into rivers that drain into Lake Pontchatrain, where it enters the Gulf of Mexico and finally the Atlantic Ocean.


In urban areas, rain that falls on the roof of your house, or collects on paved areas like driveways, roads and footpaths is carried away through a system of pipes that is separate from the sewerage system. Unlike sewage, stormwater is not treated. To learn more about stormwater, click here.


Any water that has been adversely affected in quality by anthropogenic influence. Wastewater can originate from a combination of domestic, industrial, commercial or agricultural activities, surface runoff or stormwater, and from sewer inflow or infiltration.


Get Involved by learning about your local water, reporting pollution or environmental concerns, volunteering, and contributing to the waterkeeper cause.