Litter Abatement


Fighting the scourge of litter has been a cornerstone of St. Tammany Parish Government since its inception. Keep St. Tammany Beautiful and St. Tammany Parish Government are asking every resident to take up the fight against litter and blight. If you see litter — pick it up. If you own a business provide adequate trash bins for customers. If you see someone or something that violates litter laws, report them by visiting There is no upside to litter. Keep Louisiana Beautiful estimates that yearly litter removal can cost all levels of state government — state, parish and municipal — up to $40 million. Litter is unsightly, costly, hazardous, malodorous and poses a threat to natural waterways and wildlife. It is also against the law. So show St. Tammany some love and lead the effort to Keep St. Tammany Beautiful.
Litter-Abatement-Vehicle_snew-webOur local Litter Court  convenes monthly, to help our Constables and Justices of the Peace enforce our local litter laws, and to bring litter offenders to justice. We have funded a Litter Abatement Crew where those convicted of litter crimes must clean up roadside litter, in order to now become a part of the solution to the problem they helped to create. We now have a full-time, joint, litter abatement initiative to clean up Parish roadways. The collaborative endeavor, and labor of love, will utilize two litter abatement vans as well as St. Tammany Parish Jail trustys, who will deploy Monday through Friday, and execute cleanup operations assigned to them by the St. Tammany Parish Litter Abatement office. Because litter fines are cumulative, we maintain a repeat offender database which currently has approximately 2,000 entries.
The Litter Abatement Department takes in reports of illegal dumping, litter violations and illegal signs. We provide pertinent forms for use in reporting litter, or requesting road clean-up. The Litter Affidavit Form is used to report litter violators. The Road Cleanup Request form is used to report litter that has been left unattended and should be cleaned up.  You can also email

We ask that citizens take an active role in the fight against litter through a few simple steps.