President Cooper Presents Tax Restructure Proposition; Parish Council Unanimously Places it on November Ballot

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At its May 2 regular meeting, the St. Tammany Parish Council voted to place President Mike Cooper’s proposed initiative to restructure Sales Tax District #3 revenue on the November 5 Presidential Election ballot.

Approval of the proposition would extend the sales tax which currently funds infrastructure improvements by 25 years, allowing St. Tammany Parish Government to bond out vital traffic and drainage projects. In addition, with the re-dedication, up to 17% of the annual revenue can be used to fund public safety agencies.

“This reform allows us to prioritize two of the main contributors to our beloved quality of life: our infrastructure and our safety,” said President Cooper. “If approved in November, new large traffic and drainage projects could be bonded out and a small portion of the tax could be used to keep our families safe by funding the agencies that protect us. In the months to come, we will seek our community’s input as we identify the critical projects that will benefit from this funding.”

After public discussion, the Parish Council voted unanimously to place the item on the ballot.

“As elected officials, it is incumbent of us to ensure that all critical departments and agencies are funded to continue to serve our citizens,” said Council Chairman Arthur Laughlin. “While we have taken steps to allow infrastructure to catch up to our needs, funding for public safety agencies continues to impede parish finances, just as it has for the last decade. This move is appropriate and aligned with our citizens’ values.”

“Our citizens pay enough taxes and have spoken verbally and at the polls that they want their government to live within its means,” President Cooper said. “Having sustainable funding for all agencies is one of the greatest concerns facing St. Tammany Parish, and it will take a united front of all elected officials, community leaders and our citizens to help us protect our safety and quality of life for the next generation.”