Multi-Modal Transportation Plan (MMTP)

Multi-Modal Transportation Plan (MMTP) - no 2023-02

“Our vision for the St. Tammany Parish transportation network is to build upon the Parish’s strong foundation of community, while balancing demands for the (sub)urban, rural, and natural environments, to improve existing infrastructure, enhance commercial corridors, and promoting neighborhood connectivity. The new connections should link our parks, communities, and commercial centers, as well as better connect the Parish to the region, maintaining the Parish’s status as the premiere place to live, work, and play.”
St. Tammany Parish is developing its first Multi-Modal Transportation Plan (MMTP). The draft MMTP is set to be released in late fall/early winter 2023. This website is to disseminate as well as to gather information related to citizens needs and concerns regarding transportation in STP and the issues they face on a daily basis. The consultant and staff will then use the data to inform the draft MMTP. 
The St. Tammany Parish Multi-Modal Transportation Plan will help to facilitate and implement community transportation goals and to improve transportation facilities and services by:

  • Relating the transportation system to existing and future land use and community comprehensive plans and programs.
  • Improving the multi-modal transportation circulation of people and goods, using both motorized and non-motorized transportation modes and facilities.
  • Providing a safe, efficient, accessible, cost-effective, and aesthetically pleasing transportation system.
The analysis will make recommendations to improve operational effectiveness, accessibility to adjacent land uses by vehicular and non-motorized modes, and safety enhancements. The Parish and State corridors serve as an important throughway connecting several existing and potential activity generators of national significance as well as other commercial/medical/hospitality services, and identified development sites. An all-inclusive multi-modal plan will include a comprehensive assessment and recommendations for all transportation assets including rail, air, water/port, pedestrians, and vehicles.